Capturing Memories and Recognizing Gifts

Memories may be painful or bittersweet at this time... You may experience a Lincoln Log response - two completely different responses.

  • One response is that in direct relation with connection with your Loved One...
  • The other response of the pain of grief.

I like to look at these memories and things learned from our Loved Ones as gifts.

Your Loved One was unique, just like you. And you are different because they touched your life.  At first, these special things we remember may be tough. In time, my hope for you is that these things will cause you pause, warm your heart or even be fuel for thought.

I wonder, what did you learn from them... what parts of your life are forever changed because you knew them... what life lessons were experienced with them? We are going to talk about a way to sit in the grief and begin to capture these gifts, these memories.

Watch the video and do the activity... You may want to have a notebook or a folder specifically for this activity since you will continue to capture memories.


I sing the folk Shaker song "Simple Gifts" to my kids,(composed in 1848 by Elder Joseph Brackett). It started when they were just littles and new to my home as foster children. It is now one of their favorite songs.

I had been out with my daughter when she asked if I would sing it to her and for "Positive Intentions," a set of encouraging short videos I've created for my clients on youTube. Of course, I said "yes."

Now, my daughter is painfully shy and she remained persistent with me. I'm not much of a singer these days. She told me she "wanted people to feel good too. Like me." How could I say no?

She is a natural caregiver and I thought to share this little video with you.

Feel free to watch if you'd like.

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How can you incorporate the "Capturing Memories" journal and the "sitting with your grief" activities into your life?

Though it may be tough, I encourage you to practice and try. We will be revisiting the memories you capture over the next year. You may just find you will continue to add to the journal and the process of "sitting in your grief" will morph and change over time.

Remember to click Complete and Continue when you are finished with the lesson.

Complete and Continue  